If you want to purchase shares online then must read this article till end.first you should know how to find a broker. People like you and me cannot just go to a stock exchange and buy and sell shares. Only the members of the stock exchange can. These members are called brokers and they buy and sell shares on our behalf. So, if you want to start investing in shares, you can do it only through a broker. Every stockbroker has to be registered with the Securities, which is the stock market regulator. You can either choose a broker (who is directly registered) or a sub-broker (people licensed by brokers to work under them). and you should wait for the right time. Don’t get me wrong. I am not against investing in the market. In fact, I think every investor should put at least some amount of money into it. Specially now when interest rates on deposits and bonds are on the downturn. This gives the highest return from any other investment. I am definitely a stock market investor. But, having burnt my fingers a considerable number of times in the market, I have learnt to be cautious and not greedy. Let me explain why. no one can time the market. 9176